@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000977, author = {志水, 智子 and SHIMIZU, Satoko}, journal = {Asphodel}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN00000289-20150726-50, In Willa Cather's Shadows on the Rock (1931), the author describes a French father and a daughter who come to Canada under the order of Count Frontenac, a governor general in 1697. Auclair, the father, leads a passive life and can be seen to embody a kind of typically successful life as a pioneer immigrants as devised by Cather. At the end of this story, Auclair is completely satisfied with his unchanging life in Canada though he is a different type of immigrant from Alexandra in O ! Pioneers (1913), in which Cather describes an energetic immigrant who positively grabs a success for herself. This essay aims to explore changing forms of success in Cather's novels and the possibility of "passive success" for immigrants.  While Auclair and Cécile hate the French social system and feel lucky for living in a peaceful place far from France, they cannot put up with the bare Canadian wilderness and live only in Quebec, the city rich with French culture. They are protected by Canadian geographical features far from Europe as well as by French imperialistic power. We can see how Cather tries to construct lives as steady as possible for immigrants through the representation of Auclair's life.  The pioneers in this novel, Count Frontenac, Mother Catherine de Saint-Augustin, Jeanne Le Ber, must lead hard lives and protect general people like Auclair. They sacrifice themselves for others and transcend the question of whether they are happy or not. Through Auclair, Cather shows a realistic happiness for general immigrants., 論文}, pages = {50--67}, title = {Shadows on the Rock における理想郷の創造}, volume = {50}, year = {2015}, yomi = {シミズ, サトコ} }