@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000976, author = {近藤, 和子 and KONDOH, Kazuko}, journal = {Asphodel}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN00000289-20150726-24, One of the reasons why Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was so isolated from his contemporary writers is that he was a great lover of ballads. His biography, The Life of Thomas Hardy, shows how he was nurtured in a ballad-like atmosphere since his childhood. Consequently, ballad characteristics pervade much of his works. However, few critical writings from the ballad viewpoint have been published until now. This paper focuses on the novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), one of his masterpieces, and attempts to fill in this void by analyzing his inclination to ballads.  The Mayor is the tale of the struggle between the two main characters : Henchard, the country protagonist, and Farfrae. The primitive nature operates on Henchard's instinctive impulses, which lead him to disaster. Hardy creates him as a man of ballad or folk tale quality, accepting a number of ballad characteristics such as "abrupt opening", "narrative lacuna", "ironic coincidence", "parallel", "folklore" and so on. In this sense, he wrote The Mayor as a literary "proseballad", introducing some novelties into his ballad succession.  In this article, the present writer would like to prove how Hardy owes his imagination and literary success to balladry, examining the resemblance and relationship between The Mayor and the traditional ballad world., 論文}, pages = {24--49}, title = {ハーディとバラッドの伝統 : The Mayor of Casterbridge 考察 (1)}, volume = {50}, year = {2015}, yomi = {コンドウ, カズコ} }