@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000618, author = {諸井, 克英 and 野元, 朝香 and MOROI, Katsuhide and NOMOTO, Asaka}, journal = {総合文化研究所紀要, Bulletin of The Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, AN10052143-20050331-189, The present study examined (a) the factor structure of eating attitudes and (b) the relationships among the obesity index, eating attitudes, physical and mental health, and self-esteem. The Eating Attitudes Test (developed by the authors), Physical and Mental Health Scale (Moroi, 1996), and the Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1979) were administered to female adolescents (N= 526). Also, subjects estimated their height and weight. The principal component analysis (with promax rotations) of the Eating Attitudes Test yielded four components, labeled as follows; "desire for thinness," "food preoccupation," "health-orientation," and "loss of appetite." To examine the relationships pattern among the obesity index, eating attitudes, physical and mental health, and self-esteem, the structural equation model analyses (Amos5.O) were executed. A good solution was found. Self-esteem and physical and mental health were directly influenced by eating attitudes, but not related to obesity. Eating attitudes were significantly determined by obesity., 論文 (Articles)}, pages = {189--199}, title = {女子青年における摂食態度と身体・心理的健康}, volume = {22}, year = {2005}, yomi = {モロイ, カツヒデ and ノモト, アサカ} }