@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000571, author = {真部, 真里子 and 河本, 育子 and 柴田, 直子 and 浦井, 麻衣子 and 林, 千沙都 and 廣江, 慧子 and 三好, 絢子 and MANABE, Mariko and KAWAMOTO, Ikuko and SHIBATA, Naoko and URAI, Maiko and HAYASHI, Chisato and HIROE, Satoko and MIYOSHI, Ayako}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20120220-54, The aroma and flavor of food before and during eating is a major determinant of the pleasure which drives us to eat. The aim of this study was to investigate how texture modification influences the aroma and flavor of two types of texture-modified teriyaki-based salmon foods (chopped salmon teriyaki and steamed salmon teriyaki-paste) as compared to original salmon teriyaki using gas chromatographyolfactometry and retronasal olfactometry analyses. The results indicated that the odor of soy sauce was weaker in the modified foods as compared to the original, with the past having even less odor than the chopped salmon teriyaki. The sensory evaluation corresponded with the gas chromatography results, and showed that odor was an important factor contributing to preference. Steamed salmon teriyaki-paste is suitable for elderly people with dysmasesis because it is easy to chew and swallow ; thus, optimal cooking conditions to improve its odor should be developed., 研究ノート}, pages = {54--59}, title = {咀嚼障害に適する食形態への展開が風味に及ぼす影響}, volume = {45}, year = {2012}, yomi = {マナベ, マリコ and カワモト, イクコ and シバタ, ナオコ and ウライ, マイコ and ハヤシ, チサト and ヒロエ, サトコ and ミヨシ, アヤコ} }