@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000565, author = {阿部, 万里江 and 清水, 久美子 and ABE, Marie and SHIMIZU, Kumiko}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20120220-1, The history of combs in Japan is long, including the appearance of red lacquered decorative combs in the Jomon period, and great developments in design in the Edo period. This research considers the meaning of combs, focusing on women's combs and showing the development of comb design in relation to lacquer and hairstyles. Decorative combs are seen in the hairstyles (topknots) of the Jomon and Edo periods, while practical fine-toothed combs were used in periods when long flowing hair was in fashion. The combs made use of such advanced lacquering techniques and became elaborate and refined in the Edo period. Lacquer became a symbol of strong spiritual power. In addition, red and black of lacquer were thought to ward against evil spirits. Combs were also believed to have mystical powers, for hair was thought to have spiritual power. The desire to combine the various powers associated with combs and to absorb their strong "life protecting" power into one's self can be said to have produced these beautiful lacquered decorative combs., 原著論文}, pages = {1--11}, title = {櫛にみるデザインと漆の文化}, volume = {45}, year = {2012}, yomi = {アベ, マリエ and シミズ, クミコ} }