@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000555, author = {川﨑, 祐子 and 北, 紀子 and 中嶋, 尚子 and 眞鍋, 翠 and KAWASAKI, Yuko and KITA, Noriko and NAKAJIMA, Naoko and MANABE, Midori}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20130220-58, 'Benihuuki', a green tea cultivar, has recently attracted particular attention for its health benefits, including pollinosis-preventing effects, which have been attributed mainly to (−) -epigallocatechin-3-O- (3-O-methyl) -gallate (EGCG3" Me). In this study, Benihuuki tea leaves grown without shading in Wazuka Town (Soraku, Kyoto) and their boiled-water extract were evaluated for their EGCG3" Me content in comparison with Yabukita tea leaves harvested from the same tea garden in the same season (August 2011). The results show that, EGCG3" Me was only found in the Benihuuki samples, with an amount (per 100g of dry material) of 2.97g for the leaf and 2.30g for the extract (extraction rate, 77.4%), respectively. When examined for their effects on the growth of five major strains of enterobacteria in vitro, these extracts of the two cultivars showed antibacterial activities against E. coli, C. clostridioforme, B. vulgatus, and L. acidophilus, while exerting a growth-promoting effect on B. bifidum. This growth-promoting effect tended to be greater with the Yabukita sample., 原著論文}, pages = {58--64}, title = {京都府和束町産「べにふうき」のメチル化カテキン含有量とin vitroにおける腸内細菌の増殖への影響}, volume = {46}, year = {2013}, yomi = {カワサキ, ユウコ and ノリコ, キタ and ナカジマ, ナオコ and マナベ, ミドリ} }