@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000553, author = {宮本, 義信 and MIYAMOTO, Yoshinobu}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20130220-36, Taiwan's birthrate is rapidly falling. Its total fertility rate set a new record of 0.895 in 2010. The traditional family structure has become less prevalent, and nuclear family forms have become more common. At the same time the number of female labor is on the increase. The growing sense of crisis in Taiwan concerning these problem is generating an active public debate about which policy approach can cope with modern family life style. The central government took action against this situation. This paper studies the early childhood care services in Taiwan, especially of it’s characteristic patterns and approaches, strengths and weakness, based on fieldwork at Taiwan Fund for Children and Families in Taipei. The findings suggest that the childcare needs such as infants below the age of two are increasing, but nursery service centers are underdeveloped. For that reason there are many young parents showed a negative attitude against institutional childcare, the central government adopted a policy of family childcare services in home environment covering the young parental needs for such services. This paper concludes by arguing that the enhancement of contact and assessment systems among relating agencies is a critically important or characteristic component in order to promote, develop, coordinate and supervise the family childcare program. This enables them to maximize the infant's great potential based on a Taiwanese particular cultural value and behavior., 原著論文}, pages = {36--45}, title = {台湾の子育て支援施策の新動向 : 低年齢児保育対策を中心に}, volume = {46}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ミヤモト, ヨシノブ} }