@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000537, author = {村上, 恵 and 松井, 美佳 and 今村, 涼子 and 橋本, 沙紀 and 井戸本, 瞳 and 永瀬, 恵梨 and MURAKAMI, Megumi and MATSUI, Mika and IMAMURA, Ryoko and HASHIMOTO, Saki and IDOMOTO, Hitomi and NAGASE, Eri}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20140220-27, Three types of vegetables (Japanese radish, carrot, eggplant) were dried in the open sunshine and in the microwave oven. Antioxidant property and ascorbic acid content in the fresh vegetables and in those dried under two drying conditions were assayed. The amount of the polyphenolic compounds and the ascorbate oxidation decreased by the sun-drying, but at the same time the polymerism of the polyphenolic compounds and the products of the amino-carbonyl reaction were caused. Consequently, it was found that the radical- scavenging activity was retained by the sun-drying. Therefore, the study showed that the sun-dried vegetables have more retention of antioxidant property than the microwaved-dried vegetables., 原著論文}, pages = {27--33}, title = {野菜の抗酸化性およびビタミンC量に及ぼす干し操作の影響}, volume = {47}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ムラカミ, メグミ and マツイ, ミカ and イマムラ, リョウコ and ハシモト, サキ and イドモト, ヒトミ and ナガセ, エリ} }