@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000349, author = {今井, 敏博 and IMAI, Toshihiro}, journal = {同志社女子大學學術研究年報, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts annual reports of studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, AN0016561X-20101225-43, The purpose of this study is to find the effect of monitoring about overcoming fixation in mathematics problem on college students.  I compared rate of students who did not overcome fixation and rate of students who overcome fixation on three student groups : A group, B group (B-1, B-2), C group. Students of A group solved the problem 2. Students of B group (B-1, B-2) solved the problem 1and then solved the problem 2 about one hour later. Students of C group solved problem 1 and solved problem B immediately. C group is higher than B group on the rate of students who overcome fixation in problem 2. B group is higher than A group on the rate of students who overcome fixation in problem 2.  It is important for monitoring of overcoming fixation to experience similar overcoming fixation immediately., 論文 (Article)}, pages = {43--48}, title = {思考の固着を克服することについての先行経験の差による影響 : 数学的な問題を用いて}, volume = {61}, year = {2010}, yomi = {イマイ, トシヒロ} }