@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000325, author = {COHEN, Tamarah}, journal = {同志社女子大學學術研究年報, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts annual reports of studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, AN0016561X-20111222-1, Evidence for the efficacy of test-mimicking pedagogical practices anchored to "non-controversial topics" - what one researcher has referred to as the "McDonaldisation of English" and another, the "TOEFLizing of teaching" - is scarce. Though complex, the crux of the problem is 'negative washback' (the subordination of teaching to the dictates of the international proficiency assessment market) and 'test score pollution' (inflated prep-induced test results). This paper explores the issue in seven parts followed by an Appendix: Part 1 Introduction begins with a snippet of my life as a college-level TOEFL prep instructor; Part 2 The Problem focuses on the efficacy - or lack thereof - of TOEFL preparation courses; Part 3 The "TOEFLizing of Teaching" describes the process by which instruction outcomes are configured in TOEFL iBT washback; Part 4 A Critical Analytical Framework offers a brief critique of the traditional classroom; Part 5 Making Materials describes a collaborative project my students and I have embarked on that involves the design of our own TOEFL iBT test prep materials; Part 6 Student Reflections includes three end-of-semester (excerpted for iBT-relevance but otherwise unedited) comments from students; Part 7 Conclusion highlights the significance of the preceding parts. The Appendix is comprised of six parts: Text-A, Teaching Materials Samples (two student handouts); Text-B, Student Writing Samples (one "Integrated" and one "Independent"); Text-C, Basic Question Types for the Listening Section of the TOEFL iBT (TOEFL iBT Listening Overview); Text-D, More Teaching Materials (one pre-listening and one while-listening student handout); Text-E, Interpretive Listening Question-types (Pre-/While-/Post-); Text-F, Two More Student Writing Samples (Student responses to a student-generated interpretive question)., 論文 (Article)}, pages = {1--27}, title = {Meaning-making in the industrialized test prep classroom}, volume = {62}, year = {2011} }