@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002398, author = {藤原, 孝章 and FUJIWARA, Takaaki}, journal = {同志社女子大學學術研究年報, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts annual reports of studies}, month = {Jan}, note = {application/pdf, AN0016561X-20230109-15, This paper is a reflective review of the challenges of developing teaching materials and lesson implementation related to multicultural inclusion, with reference to the following four works by the author. A) How to Teach Non-Japanese Workers Issues: International Understanding Education in Global Age, 1994. B) The Non-Japanese Workers Issues and Multicultural Education: Educational Issues in Multi-ethnic Society, 1995. C) Simulation Material ‘Hyotan-jima Issues’ - Learning Issues in a Multicultural Society of Nippon, 2008. D) New Edition Simulation Teaching Material ‘The Hyotan-jima Issues’: Learning Issues in the Multicultural Society of Japan, 2021. These are not just books, but have been used as teaching materials and materials for classroom practice, lectures, and workshops, not only in schools and universities, but also in social education, such as civic activities and international exchange. They were published between 1994 and 2021, but about 30 years have passed since they were conceived, practised and used as teaching materials. I believe that reflecting on the accumulation of such practices in this paper can serve as an example of their positioning and current reach as lesson plans and teaching materials related to multiculturalism in Japan., 論文}, pages = {15--22}, title = {多文化共生のための授業実践と教材開発 : 「外国人労働者問題」から「ひょうたん島問題」まで}, volume = {73}, year = {2023}, yomi = {フジワラ, タカアキ} }