@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000232, author = {土田, 勝晴 and 山邊, 優子 and TSUCHIDA, Katsuharu and YAMABE, Yuko}, journal = {同志社女子大學學術研究年報, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts annual reports of studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, AN0016561X-20131226-91, The objective of this study was to examine the cardiac action potentials in the genetically induced diabetic WBN/Kob rats by using a mathematical model on the action potential. The final goal was to obtain theoretical insight into the ionic mechanisms responsible for the ventricular action potential in rats with genetic diabetes.  Our computer programming was conducted mainly according to the equations used in the model described by Pandit et al. (2001). The in vitro data of cardiac action potentials were used by mainly citing our previous papers already published by Tsuchida & Watajima (1994, 1997). The comparative studies between the theoretical data and the in vitro data were performed. According to our in vitro data, we had observed the decrease in the transient outward K current (Ito) by 40% , therefore we decreased the simulated Ito by 40% in the present computer simulation. This manipulation increased the action potential duration of 50% repolarization (APD50) by 119% . The in vitro data had indicated the prolongation of APD50 by 113% . Thus, the computer-simulated data coincided with the in vitro data obtained from WBN/Kob rats. In addition, this manipulation induced the small decrease in the peak intracellular Ca concentration (Ca_i), and the prolongation of the duration of the increase in the Ca_i. The steady-state outward K current (IKss) was increased and the duration of its increase was prolonged. The inward rectifying K current (IK1) was not changed in the peak value, but the course of the current flow with time was prolonged. The L-type Ca current (ICaL) was decreased, but its inactivation was slowed. The NaCa exchange current (INaCa) was shifted inwardly. Sarcolemmmal Ca pump current (ICaP) was shifted outwardly, and the outward increase in the ICaP with time was prolonged. It is considered that the above mentioned various changes of ion movements were induced by the change of Ito secondarily. In conclusion, the computer simulation could reproduce the data obtained from our in vitro experiments in rat cardiac myocytes with genetic diabetes. Therefore, the simulation is a very useful mean to analyze the ionic current mechanisms in the rat cardiac action potential., 研究ノート (Note)}, pages = {91--100}, title = {遺伝性糖尿病ラットの心筋細胞活動電位に対するコンピュータシミュレーションによる検討}, volume = {64}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ツチダ, カツハル and ヤマベ, ユウコ} }