@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002284, author = {村上, 恵 and 橋本, 幸江 and 小鳥, 愛 and 岡本, 千加 and 栗林, 由樹 and 澤田, 奈津希 and MURAKAMI, Megumi and HASHIMOTO, Sachie and KOTORI, Ai and OKAMOTO, Chika and KURIBAYASHI, Yuki and SAWADA, Natsuki}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20220220-57, In this study, we investigated the change in folic acid contents in foods during thermal cooking. The results showed that the folic acid content of boiled beaten eggs was significantly lower than that of raw, boiled, and pan-fry eggs. The folic acid contents of boiled asparagus and spinach was also significantly reduced. In spinach, the folic acid content tended to increase through pan-frying, indicating that folic acid was at least retained. When folic acid-enriched eggs and spinach were mixed and pan-fried, the folic acid content increased significantly more than when they were pan-fried separately. Therefore, folic acid can be more efficiently consumed through pan-frying than boiling, which involves direct exposure to boiling water. In addition, the loss of folic acid is shown to be inhibited by combining spinach with egg solution, which is highly heat stable., 原著論文}, pages = {50--56}, title = {葉酸たまご,アスパラガス,ほうれん草の葉酸含有量に及ぼす加熱調理操作の影響}, volume = {55}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ムラカミ, メグミ and ハシモト, サチエ and コトリ, アイ and オカモト, チカ and クリバヤシ, ユキ and サワダ, ナツキ} }