@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001961, author = {村上, 恵 and MURAKAMI, Megumi and 吹山, 遥香 and 岩井, 律子 and 酒井, 真奈未 and 吉良, ひとみ and HUKIYAMA, Haruka and IWAI, Ritsuko and SAKAI, Manami and KIRA, Hitomi}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20201130-30, The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of water hardness on the physical properties of boiled beef and to clarify whether hard water is suitable for stewed dishes. Using sensory evaluation, we found that beef boiled in hard water(Ca : 300 mg/L)was evaluated more highly than beef boiled in soft water(Ca : 50 mg/L); this was true of both the odor and taste of the beef. When beef was boiled in hard water, the protein on the surface of the beef rapidly solidified, preventing the release of components from the inside even when heated for a long time. These results suggest that hard water is more suitable for beef stew than soft water., 原著論文}, pages = {30--35}, title = {水の硬度が牛肉の煮込みに及ぼす影響}, volume = {53}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ムラカミ, メグミ and フキヤマ, ハルカ and イワイ, リツコ and サカイ, マナミ and キラ, ヒトミ} }