@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001957, author = {齋藤, 朱未 and SAITO, Akemi and 高橋, 奈央 and TAKAHASHI, Nao}, journal = {同志社女子大学生活科学, DWCLA human life and science}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, AA11325308-20201130-11, The purpose of this study is to examine the future of household waste in order to create a more comfortable community and to deal with environmental problems. For that purpose, it is necessary to investigate how Kyoto City is dealing with garbage problems and to what degree citizens are disposing of garbage. For this purpose, we conducted a questionnaire survey of Kyoto citizens. Results suggest that it is necessary for citizens to have opportunities to learn about the necessity of waste reduction, and the local situation in Kyoto City. We argue that the method of providing information needs to be reviewed. The city should create a system that allows citizens to access information about waste disposal immediately as the need arises. It will lead to future waste reduction and the promotion of recycling., 原著論文}, pages = {11--18}, title = {京都市山科区民の家庭ごみの実態と今後のごみ削減に向けた対応への検討}, volume = {53}, year = {2020}, yomi = {サイトウ, アケミ and タカハシ, ナオ} }