@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001933, author = {光木, 幸子 and 山本, 裕子 and 田中, 登美 and 南村, 二美代 and 横田, 香世 and 肥後, 直子 and 服部, 美景 and 門田, 典子 and 藤田, かおり and MITSUKI, Sachiko and YAMAMOTO, Yuko and TANAKA, Tomi and MINAMIMURA, Fumiyo and YOKOTA, Kayo and HIGO, Naoko and HATTORI, Mikage and KADOTA, Noriko and FUJITA, Kaori}, journal = {総合文化研究所紀要, Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN10052143-20200817-90, Objective: To describe the state of self-management during cancer treatment in patients with diabetes and cancer. Methods: Patients with diabetes and cancer who visited the diabetes outpatient clinic of general hospitals in Japan were recruited as participants. Data were collected in interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire and were analyzed qualitatively and inductively using content analysis. Results: Two categories and six subcategories of self-management for cancer treatment were revealed. The categories included “adhering to blood glucose management for cancer treatment” and “getting into shape for cancer treatment” and the subcategories included “remembering to measure blood glucose,” “thorough glycemic control through drug therapy,” “ensuring glycemic control through exercise therapy,” “addressing adverse events of anticancer drugs,” “reconsidering tobacco and alcohol consumption in the wake of cancer,” and “performing indicated rehabilitation.” Two categories and three subcategories of self-management for diabetes treatment were revealed. The categories included “continuing a diabetes treatment lifestyle true to oneself” and “judging the state of diabetes,” and the subcategories included “eating a diet that does not aggravate diabetes,” “continuing self-management without overdoing it,” and “estimating whether blood sugar levels are high or low.” Discussion: It was revealed that patients were self-managing both cancer and diabetes, suggesting the need for information sharing and collaboration between cancer and diabetic nurses., 論文}, pages = {90--99}, title = {糖尿病とがんを併せ持つ患者のがん治療中のセルフマネジメントの実際}, volume = {37}, year = {2020} }