@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001930, author = {吉永, 紀子 and 松崎, 正治 and YOSHINAGA, Noriko and MATSUZAKI, Masaharu}, journal = {総合文化研究所紀要, Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN10052143-20200817-48, The purpose of this study was to examine the research hypothesis that teachers’ competence of “bonding” is important regarding its orientation to the depth of learning. We analyzed how learners’ comparative reading changed in literary texts for students in the fifth grade of elementary school. We use three genealogies of the depth of learning as an analysis framework: “deep understanding,” “deep approach to learning,” and “deep engagement.” First, the teacher designed the unit based on “bonding” educational content research with the actual situation of the learners in order for the learners to experience a “deep understanding.” Second, when learners experience a “deep understanding,” concepts and principles can be used in other contexts, and that experience will create a scaffolding for a “deep approach to learning,” in which they pursue their own meaning. Third, “deep engagement” is further strengthened by “bonding,” “deep understanding,” and a “deep approach to learning.” As described above, it was found that teacher’s competence of “bonding” with “deep understanding,” “deep approach to learning,” and “deep engagement” improved the social capital and cultural capital of learners., 論文}, pages = {48--63}, title = {学びの深さを志向する学級における教師の〈結び付ける力〉の分析:文学教材の読みをめぐる学習者の変容を通して}, volume = {37}, year = {2020} }