@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001873, author = {江上, 萌 and 板倉, 智子 and 若本, 夏美 and EGAMI, Moe and ITAKURA, Tomoko and WAKAMOTO, Natsumi}, journal = {Asphodel}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN00000289-20200727-93, This study explores how the installation plan of the standardized English proficiency tests as part of the new National Center Test for University Admissions is recognized and evaluated by college students. This plan attracted much attention from not only high school students who would actually take the test but also the general public and was discussed in newspapers and TV programs, as well as in the Japanese Diet. The discussion entailed a wide range of topics such as whether this plan would guarantee fairness or how the English ability should be assessed. By developing a questionnaire of 14 items, this study examines the recognition of this plan by Japanese learners of English and attempts to offer implications for future discussion and direction., 論文}, pages = {93--115}, title = {英語民間試験導入はなぜ頓挫したのか:英語専攻大学生への質問紙調査からみる新大学センター入試問題の深層}, volume = {55}, year = {2020}, yomi = {エガミ, モエ and イタクラ, トモコ and ワカモト, ナツミ} }