@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001871, author = {菅沼, 幸子 and SUGANUMA, Sachiko}, journal = {Asphodel}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN00000289-20200727-51, This paper’s aim is finding appropriate ways to improve translation to make target text readers have similar impressions as source text readers have. In Japanese literary translation, however, there are many difficulties. For example, there are various approaches for using non-standard Japanese for English dialects. To find appropriate translation of English dialect, I chose The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. He intentionally makes languages different between Black and White and shows large gaps in their economic or living status and also their characters’ traits. How to render Black characters’ utterances is one of the keys in creating an effective translation of The Sound and the Fury. For that purpose, I will analyze four translations of Black characters’ utterances and use a questionnaire contributed by mostly college students. By using the results of that analysis and questionnaire, I aim to discover reasonable utilization of terms for non-standard English translation., 論文}, pages = {51--69}, title = {The Rendition of Black Characters’ Speech Styles in The Sound and the Fury : Four Translations Compared}, volume = {55}, year = {2020}, yomi = {スガヌマ, サチコ} }