@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001870, author = {志水, 智子 and SHIMIZU, Satoko}, journal = {Asphodel}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN00000289-20200727-36, Henry James, well educated in a cultured family of America, spent many years in Europe before being naturalize in England. Apart from his native country, he often felt lonely and loved writing letters to his family as he was unmarried all his life. Instead of having a wife, he was surrounded by a lot of friends, his brothers and a sister. He especially loved his sister, Alice, who had mental illness and was unmarried as he was. Henry’s letters to Alice as well as The Diary of Alice James reveals their relationship as a confidential brother and a sister. Henry and Alice resemble each other mainly in three points. At first, they lived and died in England though they considered their identity as Americans to be solid. Secondly, they thought of themselves as people of the upper class in English society. Henry almost always depicted upper class characters in his novels except for a few cases, as he and his family remained in the upper class all their lives. Thirdly, both Henry and Alice tended to be onlookers of life. They never adhered to passionate heterosexual human relationships and remained single. Their cool temper as such was reflected in Henry’s literary characters. Henry often adopted Alice’s literary expressions in his works and was influenced by her character. While Alice appreciated Henry’s calling on her and often enjoyed his company, Henry in turn confided in her for literary advice. They supported each other as beneficent family members all their lives., 論文}, pages = {36--50}, title = {Alice との関係を通してみるHenry James の側面:Henry James の書簡とAlice James の日記を通して}, volume = {55}, year = {2020}, yomi = {シミズ, サトコ} }