@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001811, author = {神田, 知子 and 堤, 咲莉衣 and 上田, みちの and 飯田, 珠美 and 宮川, 和美 and 掃部, 美咲 and 荻野, 裕子 and 山口, 裕美 and 小切間, 美保 and Koda, Tomoko and Tsutsumi, Sarii and Ueda, Michino and Iida, Tamami and Miyakawa, Kazumi and Kamon, Misaki and Ogino, Hiroko and Yamaguchi , Yumi and Kogirima, Miho}, journal = {総合文化研究所紀要, Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, AN10052143-20200605-197, The purpose of this study was to assess whether elementary school children were able to learn the synergistic effects of umami flavor through the implementation of a sense of taste class for them. The sense of taste class held for 182 elementary school children (aged, 10–11 years old in Kyoto city). The subjects assessed three types of broths: dried bonito (DB), kombu kelp (KK), and dried bonito-kombu kelp (DB-KK). The subject evaluated the broth for several factors: tastiness, umami flavor, aroma, fishy smell. In addition, children were asked to write their own comments about what they had learned or noticed. A total of 147 healthy subjects were analyzed. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that the children sensed umami flavor and tastiness more significantly in DB-KK broth than in KK broth. They also evaluated the DB broth and DB-KK broth to have a significantly better aroma than KK broth (both at p<0.05). The analysis of the comment showed that 11 children (7.5%) wrote about their understanding of the fundamental taste umami, and 31 children (21.1%) wrote about understanding the synergistic effect of umami flavor. These results suggest that the implementation of the sense of taste class is effective to learn the synergistic effects of umami flavor., 論文}, pages = {197--207}, title = {小学生がうま味の相乗効果を学ぶための味覚授業の実施}, volume = {35}, year = {2018}, yomi = {コウダ, トモコ and ツツミ, サリイ and ウエダ, ミチノ and イイダ, タマミ and ミヤカワ, カズミ and カモン, ミサキ and オギノ, ヒロコ and ヤマグチ, ユミ and コギリマ, ミホ} }