@article{oai:dwcla.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001633, author = {光木, 幸子 and Mitsuki, Sachiko and 當目, 雅代 and 天野, 功士 and 小笠, 美春 and 田村, 沙織 and Tamura, Saori and 野々口, 陽子 and Nonoguchi, Yoko and 葉山, 有香 and Hayama, Yuka and TOUME, Masayo and AMANO, Koji and OGASA, Miharu}, journal = {同志社看護, Doshisha kango}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, AA12746582-20180331-1, Objective:To investigate whether the assessment capabilities of nursing students can be clarified from the observation contents of a questionnaire-based survey and the descriptive contents of thought processes using visual information to visualize the trajectories of their cognitive processes for patient observation.  Methods:Still images of model dummies receiving oxygen therapy and fluid therapy were shown to five third-year nursing college students who had taken all courses prior to practical training in different areas of nursing,and gaze measurements and a questionnaire-based survey were conducted.  Results:The students fixed their gazes the longest and the most frequently on intravenous( IV)infusions,followed by oxygen inhalation and aspiration. Gaze trajectories followed a pattern of first looking at the face,perfunctorily checking all areas,and then carefully looking at each area considered necessary for observation,such as IV infusions,oxygen inhalation and aspiration. Four of the five students began by looking at the face and all of the students stopped to observe IV infusions,oxygen inhalation,and aspiration for 2 seconds or longer. In the studentsʼ descriptions of IV infusions,on which students fixated the longest and the most frequently,four students described noticing that “an IV infusion was attached” and thought that “drugs and other fluids were being fed into the body,” “a risk of IV infusion-related complications existed,” and “they would check for loosening of the needle or any bleeding.” Furthermore,“infusion management” and “ensuring reliable IV infusion management and an IV route” were described by the students as necessary support.  Discussion:The students surveyed in this study appeared to recognize that oxygen inhalation and IV infusions are areas that must be observed. Current practical training in nursing is a process of acquiring knowledge and experience; however,the findings of this study suggest that “the ability to anticipate,” “the ability to estimate safety and pain,” and “the ability to predict risks” are also being nurtured in students. These abilities allow students to use observations to recognize problems,such as the possibility that an IV needle may have come loose or that a patient may be receiving insufficient oxygen. The assessment capabilities of nursing students could conceivably be understood by visualizing the gazes fixed on focused images and analyzing in conjunction with the observation contents of a questionnaire-based survey and the descriptive contents of thought processes.  Increasing opportunities for students to observe nursing care through clinical images and increasing experiences that confirm knowledge,skills,and coping strategies that are necessary together with teachers could enhance studentsʼ assessment capabilities., 目 的:本研究の目的は,動作を伴う視線計測に関する先行研究から,視線の測定方法,分析方法,対象者数の妥当性を明らかにすることである。 方 法:文献の選定には,CiNii Articles,医学中央雑誌Web 版(Ver.5),Medical Online を用い,キーワードは「視線計測」「アイマークレコーダ」「注視」とした。得られた文献のうち,選定基準に合致した文献23 件を分析対象とした。帰納的に内容を分析し,機器の条件設定,対象者数,分析指標等をマトリックスシートに整理し,視線の測定方法や分析方法の妥当性を検討した。 結 果:視線計測機器の条件設定において,眼球運動の測定には瞳孔角膜反射法が多く用いられており,視野カメラレンズには水平角92°のレンズが最も多く用いられていた。対象者と分析処理方法について,対象者5 名以下では視線パターンを把握することを目的としており,統計的検定は行われていなかった。一方で,11 名以上を対象とした文献では,若齢者と比較した高齢者の視線,非熟練者と比較した熟練者の視線の特徴を統計学的検定から明らかにしていた。分析指標としては「注視時間」「注視回数」「注視項目変化表」「視線軌跡」が多く用いられていた。 考 察:動作を伴う視線計測から熟練者の技の可視化,新人看護師や看護学生の技術習得,患者教育に繋げるためには,モバイル型視線計測機器を用い,動作環境に合わせた視野カメラレンズ,キャリブレーション方法を選択する必要がある。また,10 名以上を対象とした注視時間や注視回数の比較,注視項目変化表の分析より,動作中の思考や認知のプロセスを推定することが可能になると示された, 原著}, pages = {11--20}, title = {看護学生が臨床場面を観察する時のアセスメント力を視覚情報から可視化する試み}, volume = {3}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ミツキ, サチコ and トウメ, マサヨ and アマノ, コウジ and オガサ, ミハル and タムラ, サオリ and ノノグチ, ヨウコ and ハヤマ, ユウカ} }